
Business calculus
This web site is edited by N.Ishinabe Certified Public TaxAccountant Office in Japan about "Business Calculus", one of the21st century business problem-solving methods that introducescalculus into business. The 21st century, which started with "Y2K (computer year 2000 problem)", also experienced globaldamage caused by the new coronavirus (Covid- 19) in 2020,starting with global warming. New management methods arerequired for corporate management to respond to these drasticchanges in the business environment. One solution is businesscalculus, which recognizes business as science problems.
Business calculus is a branch of mathematics that focuses on theapplications of calculus in the fields of business, finance, andeconomics. It uses mathematical concepts to analyze and solveproblems related to optimization, rates of change, accumulation in business contexts. Some of the key topics covered in businesscalculus include functions, limits and continuity, derivatives,Integrals, optimization.
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Business Calculus